I'm sorry. Sorry to disappoint. For I am just an ordinary boy. Just a boy who was conceived in the throws of a torrential volcano then carried in the womb of a jackal across the plains of a 50 year drought. In my birth manger my father, the snake, devoured me, but I burst from his belly fully formed and I absorbed his power. I bathed in his blood and my mother's tears until I was strong enough to climb the highest Scandian mountain to curse the god who made me.
For my insolence I was struck from that peak and cast down into the Sea of Madness. An ocean with no current, its own powerful forces set against itself in every direction - cresting wave crashing against cresting wave.
I begged for my life, but it wasn't until I begged for my death that I was finally saved.
I washed upon the shore of some distant land amongst a distant people. I did not know their language, but I knew their ways - to fight against the shackles of the oppressors! I joined these people of the Sudan and led them in many battles. Many died and many wish they had until the day we won freedom.
Yet I could never know freedom, because my shackles travel with me wherever I go. I will never know peace. I will always fight.
I left the people I loved - before I destroyed them. I set out on the wanderer's journey. This blog is the record of my spiritual journey back across the plains of drought to the blistering volcano from whence I came.
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