What are Gemz of the Interwebz you ask? Well, that is an astute question young sir or ma'am. The internet is like soil. Gigantic, fucking dirty, everywhere soil. It's on my shoes, it's in my house, it's in my food. With such an abundance of dirt it is a miracle that from this expanse of garbage someone, somewhere is able to pluck out a stunning and beautiful piece of rock that makes you reevaluate the worth of that endless filth pile. How could something so endlessly worthless produce something so dense and compacted with beauty? Only the Wizard of the Interwebz can solve that riddle because he is the one who made it up. Yes, the Wizard of the Interwebz sprinkles these gemz all about the interwebz in its deepest darkest recesses for intrepid speculators to find and collect - an instinct that resides in all our Pokemon spirits. He does this because he loves us.
So, thank you Wizard, thank you for your wonderful gemz. We will find them and treasure them always.
I don't remember where I found this little gem, but it doesn't matter, everything on the interwebz is for free! Preach, brotha'! Here it is, your moment of gemz.
All we have to do to eliminate C02 is pay more carbon taxes. It's been proven that taxing people and micro managing individuals lives will prevent climate change, but to do that there needs to be a centralized world government that ensures all citizens comply fully with ever increasing regulations and be willing to make drastic lifestyle changes. The fact is that humans are evil parasites and we need to cull our population based on willingness to obey, genetic superiority (emotional, cognitive, and physiological traits). Only the strong survive-survival of the fittest is unavoidable if we are to continue as a species.
All we have to do to eliminate C02 is pay more carbon taxes. It's been proven that taxing people and micro managing individuals lives will prevent climate change, but to do that there needs to be a centralized world government that ensures all citizens comply fully with ever increasing regulations and be willing to make drastic lifestyle changes. The fact is that humans are evil parasites and we need to cull our population based on willingness to obey, genetic superiority (emotional, cognitive, and physiological traits). Only the strong survive-survival of the fittest is unavoidable if we are to continue as a species.