Poor Bob. Wanting to keep all of the bubbles for himself, Bub turned on his brother and locked him away in a dark cave. Will we ever see our intrepid lizard friend? Only time will tell . . .
Check out the Idiot Showdown here.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Best Of The Public Masturbator
20 more reasons not to follow me on Twitter. Once again, I'm 1-20, suck it easy bitches! I win again!
Top 20 #ThePublicMasturbator tweets.
- Is daring you to make eye contact.
- Needs 3 minutes and a clear line of sight to the women's shoe department.
- Only needs 2 minutes in the children's underwear section at Target.
- Is swift and unnoticed by all. Like a phantom. Like a masturbating phantom.
- Can drive to work with one hand . . . and loves traffic.
- Thinks that the mannequin in Gap is giving him a signal.
- I hope I don't get caught, but secretly . . . I do.
- Likes the way you sit at Starbucks.
- LOVES that you order whipped cream on your mocha.
- Always has something to show for his efforts.
- Doesn't like it when the movie theater is empty :(
- Loves baggy pants.
- Isn't picking a kid up at the bus stop.
- Is like a magician. He performs Street Magic every day.
- Brings his work home with him.
- Seemed really tense about 2 minutes ago . . .
- Is brown baggin' it today.
- Doesn't mind if you sit on the bench next to him. He enjoys a challenge.
- Has been in that bathroom stall for a suspiciously long time.
- Wishes he had two dicks.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Great Archives Adventure!
First, let me say this: it's a lie, there are no adventures in archives.
I made this for a graduate level course. Seriously, I know! Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I can't fail.
Click on the image to feel the majesty!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Best of Farmer Porn
20 reasons not to follow PopNothingIdiot on Twitter:
Best of #FarmerPorn on Twitter
- The cock gets me up every morning.
- I'm gonna plow that field and spread my seed all over it.
- I'm gonna pump that butter churn 'till it's nice and creamy. Just the way grandma likes it.
- I'm gonna strap a saddle on that filthy beast and ride it until it's sweaty.
- This was a great year for nuts.
- Let's just see where this bucket of coleslaw takes us . . .
- I wanna shuck your corn so hard.
- You know what's better than nailing a fence? Nothing. I could pound it all day.
- It's not about the length of the zucchini, it's about the girth.
- When you're milking a cow and halfway through you spray the milk all over your face.
- Would you like me to drop this load off in the front . . . or in the rear?
- I want you to find the hole, dig it out, and plant your seed.
- Those melons are ripe for the pickun'
- I got a tractor out back . . .
- I drink my milk straight from the teet.
- My land is spread wide and I keep it wet, real wet.
- I gonna fill up your silo . . . with grain.
- I love them hoes.
- E-I-E-I-Ooooooh.
- I'm about to stick my whole arm up this cow's ass.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Lasers are beautiful, and they cannot be taken away from me.
Evils will continue to marry and forge in sweaty chaos offspring with exponentially focused intent on the disruption of elegance and harmony.
When the murky weirdness begins to apply suction to your tender, dangling humanity, repeat with a distillation of all emotions:
Lasers are beautiful, and they cannot be taken away from me.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Lasers Will Replace Everything You Love and Make You Love Them More.
As lasers are the future, they will one day replace many common items and activities with only the burning hot majesty that they can provide. So say goodbye to the things on this list and say hello to lasers:
Umbrellas (A tight web of lasers will evaporate water before it hits you and also create a soothing, warm mist that is good for your skin)
Garbage Cans (Lasers will leave behind a calming, sage scented residue)
Flowers (Imagine a bouquet of lasers shining at your uncle's funeral, he would be proud)
Adding Grill Marks to Meat (You eat with your eyes! So it's like laser eye surgery)
Teeth (Lasers do all the work, it just slides right down)
Bug Repellent (Tired of that stinky, greasy, oily feeling on your skin? Lasers feel light and fresh)
Currency (It's another word for money)
Bait for Criminals (Sting operation! What crook doesn't want to get their hands on a laser?)
Wrist Watches (Wrist watches have been on the decline now that everyone has cell phones, but what could bring the wrist watch back from the brink? Lasers.)
Super Bowl Half-Time Shows (A recent study of Super Bowl Half-Time shows clearly demonstrates that since the beginning of football, in 1910, lasers have made major inroads into the extravagant performances at their half-times. The study shows an increase in the use of lasers from 0% in 1910 to 81% in 2011. At this rate it is only a matter of time before lasers entirely replace their more human and inferior entertainment counterparts.)
Paintings (Hanging static pictures of stuff on your walls will be passé, soon to be replaced by the ever-changing, glittering majesty of lasers.)
Itchy Scabs (God, I hate itchy scabs. Just hit 'em with a laser, zap! They're back to an open sore. No more itchies. Thanks lasers!)
Cat Removal (Cats can really build up in unregulated areas. Cat's are also really wily and agile and able to hide in really small places, so they are really, really hard to remove . . . except with lasers.)
Toys in Cereal Boxes
Mowing Dad's Lawn
Sky Writing "Happy Birthday Lisa"
Umbrellas (A tight web of lasers will evaporate water before it hits you and also create a soothing, warm mist that is good for your skin)
Garbage Cans (Lasers will leave behind a calming, sage scented residue)
Flowers (Imagine a bouquet of lasers shining at your uncle's funeral, he would be proud)
Adding Grill Marks to Meat (You eat with your eyes! So it's like laser eye surgery)
Teeth (Lasers do all the work, it just slides right down)
Bug Repellent (Tired of that stinky, greasy, oily feeling on your skin? Lasers feel light and fresh)
Currency (It's another word for money)
Bait for Criminals (Sting operation! What crook doesn't want to get their hands on a laser?)
Wrist Watches (Wrist watches have been on the decline now that everyone has cell phones, but what could bring the wrist watch back from the brink? Lasers.)
Super Bowl Half-Time Shows (A recent study of Super Bowl Half-Time shows clearly demonstrates that since the beginning of football, in 1910, lasers have made major inroads into the extravagant performances at their half-times. The study shows an increase in the use of lasers from 0% in 1910 to 81% in 2011. At this rate it is only a matter of time before lasers entirely replace their more human and inferior entertainment counterparts.)
Paintings (Hanging static pictures of stuff on your walls will be passé, soon to be replaced by the ever-changing, glittering majesty of lasers.)
Itchy Scabs (God, I hate itchy scabs. Just hit 'em with a laser, zap! They're back to an open sore. No more itchies. Thanks lasers!)
Cat Removal (Cats can really build up in unregulated areas. Cat's are also really wily and agile and able to hide in really small places, so they are really, really hard to remove . . . except with lasers.)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Laser Technologies Most Likely to Destroy the World
School Photos
The problem with lasers as a background for a photo isn’t so much scientific as it is social. Since you can never be sexier than a laser, lasers are an ugly chick’s hot friend. Though the ugly chick might think that being near her hot friend will increase her hotness by association, in fact it just throws into sharp relief her own shortcomings. To be clear, in this scenario we are ALL the ugly chick. Unless we can all make better laser decisions (deciding whether lasers are right for you is like deciding whether spandex shorts are right for you: they’re not), lasers could very well lead to the end of human kind…not through any sort of mass-destruction, but simply by slowly eroding all interest in sexual intercourse.
Laser Eye Surgery

Beyond the obvious inability to identify poisonous roots and significant flaws in potential mates, the end of eye-glasses raises other alarming concerns: how will the social strata of elementary schools be determined? How will you know who to cheat off of in high-school? And most importantly, what will become of the sexy librarians?
Expert Tip: Laser eye surgery does not actually give you lasers that shoot out of your eyes.
Laser Light Shows
Having spent the better part of a century developing an understanding of the laser, it was no surprise that this question arose: how can one’s ultimate mastery over something be exploited to the best advantage? Simple, you make it dance.
This method has been in use for centuries (most notably with bears and slave-girls), and is entirely flawed. "Here, I’ve vanquished and tamed this vicious bear, and have decided to put all my energy and resources into teaching him the Macarena. Not only will his vast potential as a killing machine be lost to the rhythm divine, but all my enemies shall become aware of his trainability and my own inability to harness it effectively!".
Somewhere out there, alien beings are snickering at the displays of laser "prowess" we splash across the night sky. They will enjoy our infantile attempts for a while, perhaps with an air of parental amusement and tolerance. But one day… one day they will grow bored of us and, knowing the extent of our laser technology to extend little beyond a carefully timed Pink Floyd production, they will crush us.
If you don't take lasers seriously, they will take you. Seriously.
The Future Needs More Lasers
The 2011 International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is coming up soon so I would like to kick-off this month with our annual lobbying effort to convince conference attendees that the future, indeed, needs many, many more lasers.
In order to bring awareness to our campaign, I would like to announce that this March is Laser March. Help celebrate and raise awareness about the future and lasers, together, forever, fiesta.
Contact your local mechanical or aerospace engineer and tell them that The Future Needs More Lasers.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Report Card: Ghosts of Mars
Schools in sucka!
Report Card: Ghosts of Mars
Nice Job, Species.
Louis From Revenge of the Nerds: A++
Obviously Natasha Is Getting Older At This point, But It Doesn’t Matter, She’s Still Hot as Hell: B+
Ice Cube: C
Dude Cuts His Finger Off: A
The Repetitive Guitar Riffs During All Action Scenes: D
- Remember that one minute in the 80s when John Carpenter’s music didn’t suck? He's still stuck in it.
- Obviously Cube just leveled up and needed to show off his new unlock. Preach.
Bernanke's Rebuttal

A chat with FED chairman B. B. Balls:
A: "Hey, Bernanke, why don't you shave that beard. It makes your face look like a vagina."
B: "It's well groomed, distinguished."
A: "You're not fooling us by looking slightly different from every other square jowl on Wall Street. Nice try, but it's pretty easy to see the asshole behind that vagina."
B: "What asshole?"
A: "The very asshole who soiled the American people with lies, declaring there was no foreseeable economic crisis before 2008. Wrong he was, but did he admit it? NO, because assholes are solely shit conduits -- yes, shit conduits -- and will do quite well to continue shitting, until people who normally don't give a damn, start giving lots of damns."
B: "Listen you long-winded plebeian, I don't know what they taught you in public school, but if you knew how complex it really was, you wouldn't be sitting here squawking at me. You'd be out there exploiting derivatives and supporting deregulation, like all the other Sachs' and Lehmans. Earth to McFly, nobody understands how money works. We can do whatever we want!"
A: "You . . ."
B: "What was that?"
A: "Hiding behind the supposed complexity doesn't last forever. What do you think your great-grandchildren will think of you?"
B: "They'll be rich, gloating over subjects like you just the same. That's legacy."
A: "Touché, douche."
This concludes our chat with B.B. Balls
If I wanted to hear exactly what the cunt of a pig sounded like flapping in the wind . . . Nancy Grace.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Why You Should Watch Inside Job
When I saw the marquee for this film, I assumed I didn't have the qualifications since the only jobs I am qualified for require me to wear overalls—but I entered anyway.
I was right about the qualifications.
Typically when a movie starts using all kinds of technical jargon, numbers and other complex stuff I tune out. You're definitely not going to win me over with your high-brow, CV building, investigation into why you are so much smarter than me. You want cred on the mean streets of academia, you can't get it at my expense. On top of all that, combining smart words, complex ideas, and the voice of Matt Damon should be three-strikes-you're-out, but I guess that last one is more of a foul ball. I'd love to hate Matt Damon, but that would be so hip that it's played out. Hating Matt Damon is like loving the faux hawk, it was fun for a minute, but it's time to move on. Affleck too. We all took a swing at that piñata, spilled its guts and ate up every joke that came out, but the party is over and you're starting to look greedy stuffing your face like that. Anyway, I didn't mind Matt Damon's voice because if I just pictured his performance in The Informant! I was quite entertained. In fact, I don't know if I will ever be able to view Matt Damon as any other character. I spent the last 30 minutes of The Green Zone trying to figure out why Iraqis would want to kidnap Mark Whitacre. So goes the stocks of Hollywood's volatile public opinion market . . . did you see what just happened there? Stocks? I'm a genius!
What the movie did do well is impart onto to me a crushing feeling of helplessness. The financial world is truly that, a whole other mystical, magical world complete with hobbits (you) and oppressive Dark Overlords (Wall Street). Unfortunately, the people in this movie aren't some fictional characters that go away when you shut your eyes—these guys are the real life Saurons, Darth Vaders (really should be The Emperor, but I didn't have enough faith that you would get it), Voldemorts, Godzillas, Freddy Kruegers, and the ginger from Bio Dome (and Real Genius, what a notorious prick!). These guys are real and there is no stopping them. These guys are weapons of mass destruction, except they only explode on poor people. They are the reasons to not have children (or abandon them if you already have them). They are the reasons to become Mormon. They are the reasons to invest in shotguns and canned goods and join the least racist mid-western anti-government group you can find. And these are the guys that moved from destroying the economy to legislating it by become advisers and appointees of the President. These guys are more vile and harmful than pedophiles, except they've found a way to operate in broad daylight.
Oh, and by the way, Alan Greenspan is an asshole.
Damn, so that's it, right? Game over, man. Game over.
Not so fast! The movie finishes with a shot of the Statue of Liberty on a beautiful, clear blue day with Matt Damon's compassionate and fatherly voice reminding us that some things are worth fighting for. Yeah, nice job team, you really turned the whole shit-show around. Instead of wondering what a self-induced coma feels like, I am filled with a renewed sense of vigor and patriotism to fight and take back my country from the oppressive Dark Overlords . . . ha ha! Psych! Totally gotcha! You should have seen the look on you're face, you were all proud and filled with hope. That's awesome. What was that like? Oh well, sucka! Time to get back to polishing shackles for the next meltdown.
I was right about the qualifications.
Typically when a movie starts using all kinds of technical jargon, numbers and other complex stuff I tune out. You're definitely not going to win me over with your high-brow, CV building, investigation into why you are so much smarter than me. You want cred on the mean streets of academia, you can't get it at my expense. On top of all that, combining smart words, complex ideas, and the voice of Matt Damon should be three-strikes-you're-out, but I guess that last one is more of a foul ball. I'd love to hate Matt Damon, but that would be so hip that it's played out. Hating Matt Damon is like loving the faux hawk, it was fun for a minute, but it's time to move on. Affleck too. We all took a swing at that piñata, spilled its guts and ate up every joke that came out, but the party is over and you're starting to look greedy stuffing your face like that. Anyway, I didn't mind Matt Damon's voice because if I just pictured his performance in The Informant! I was quite entertained. In fact, I don't know if I will ever be able to view Matt Damon as any other character. I spent the last 30 minutes of The Green Zone trying to figure out why Iraqis would want to kidnap Mark Whitacre. So goes the stocks of Hollywood's volatile public opinion market . . . did you see what just happened there? Stocks? I'm a genius!
What the movie did do well is impart onto to me a crushing feeling of helplessness. The financial world is truly that, a whole other mystical, magical world complete with hobbits (you) and oppressive Dark Overlords (Wall Street). Unfortunately, the people in this movie aren't some fictional characters that go away when you shut your eyes—these guys are the real life Saurons, Darth Vaders (really should be The Emperor, but I didn't have enough faith that you would get it), Voldemorts, Godzillas, Freddy Kruegers, and the ginger from Bio Dome (and Real Genius, what a notorious prick!). These guys are real and there is no stopping them. These guys are weapons of mass destruction, except they only explode on poor people. They are the reasons to not have children (or abandon them if you already have them). They are the reasons to become Mormon. They are the reasons to invest in shotguns and canned goods and join the least racist mid-western anti-government group you can find. And these are the guys that moved from destroying the economy to legislating it by become advisers and appointees of the President. These guys are more vile and harmful than pedophiles, except they've found a way to operate in broad daylight.
Oh, and by the way, Alan Greenspan is an asshole.
Damn, so that's it, right? Game over, man. Game over.
Not so fast! The movie finishes with a shot of the Statue of Liberty on a beautiful, clear blue day with Matt Damon's compassionate and fatherly voice reminding us that some things are worth fighting for. Yeah, nice job team, you really turned the whole shit-show around. Instead of wondering what a self-induced coma feels like, I am filled with a renewed sense of vigor and patriotism to fight and take back my country from the oppressive Dark Overlords . . . ha ha! Psych! Totally gotcha! You should have seen the look on you're face, you were all proud and filled with hope. That's awesome. What was that like? Oh well, sucka! Time to get back to polishing shackles for the next meltdown.
Word on the street is that Leprechaun had his whole pot of gold tied up in Lehman Brothers - now he's fucking pissed!
Dark Overlords,
Frodo fetish,
Inside Job,
Matt Damon,
The Green Zone,
The Informant
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I'm going to be honest and say that I always thought fashion was absolutely ridiculous. Looking at those batshit crazy designs, all I can think of is who would ever wear that? Why don't they just wear jeans and a hoody? So much of that stuff couldn't possibly be intended for real humans, but now I realize that that's the fun of it. It's like designing a fantasy land. Right now, some fashion designer is creating a new collection and asking him/herself, "what if Smurfette was tripping balls on K and accidentally found Flynn's digitizing "Tron" lazer and pointed it at the sun? Instead of basting ourselves in glorious, warm sun rays, we would be pelted with pixelated heads that look like Jeff Bridges. What would that world be like?" I have no doubt it would be pretty crazy. Looking around at some collections was like being transported to an entirely foreign world - sometimes weird and creepy, sometimes beautiful. I started to see it as quite creative and imaginative stuff once I made it over the hurdle of judging everything practicality.
Thanks to The Jamster for helping me broaden my horizons and helping me with this sketch. Hopefully, this will make up for all the times I openly scorned, without any shame or remorse, anyone who had anything to do with fashion. This is my heavy handed attempt at doing something "fashion-y." This is an interplanetary ambassador in the year 2245 (sorry Mayans, your attempts to destroy the earth will fail).
Thanks to The Jamster for helping me broaden my horizons and helping me with this sketch. Hopefully, this will make up for all the times I openly scorned, without any shame or remorse, anyone who had anything to do with fashion. This is my heavy handed attempt at doing something "fashion-y." This is an interplanetary ambassador in the year 2245 (sorry Mayans, your attempts to destroy the earth will fail).
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